- Retrieve your written summaries, stakeholder concerns that could affect the decision, and risk tolerability evaluations
- Rate each risk management option using the Options Rating Scale (in the workbook) or a similar scale tailored to your situation:
- Use the above written summaries as a basis for your rating.
- As shown in the scale, provide ratings for safety risk, infrastructure and costs, and other concerns; thus, each risk management option will have three ratings.
- Use the rating system 1 = low concern, 2 = moderate concern, 3 = high concern.
- Add up the figures for each risk management option. (Note:The lower the figure, the better the option.)
- Rank the options from best (#1) to worst.
Stage 5 Checklist
Before you proceed to the next stage, make sure you have:
- A written summary of your stakeholder feedback
- Completed risk tolerability summaries for each risk management option, with ratings/rankings for each risk management option
- Completed Option Rating Scale